Blind endovascular catheterization and direct access of an occluded superior ophthalmic vein for treatment of carotid cavernous fistulaAli Alaraj, Bobby Kim, Gerald Oh, Victor Aletich
20 June 2013
Combined surgical and endovascular treatment of complex cerebrovascular diseases in the hybrid operating roomYuichi Murayama, Hideki Arakawa, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Daichi Kawamura, Masaki Ebara, Koreaki Irie, Hiroyuki Takao, Satoshi Ikeuchi, Takeki Ogawa, Masataka Kato, Ikki Kajiwara, Shingo Nishimura, Toshiaki Abe
2 June 2012
Surgical access on the superior ophthalmic vein to the cavernous sinus dural fistula for embolizationChuhan Jiang, Xianli Lv, Youxiang Li, Zhongxue Wu, Jitong Shi
2 March 2012
Pharyngo-occipital artery variant arising from the internal carotid artery impacting surgical technique during carotid endarterectomyRandall B Graham, Patrick A Sugrue, Rudy J Rahme, H Hunt Batjer, Bernard R Bendok
22 March 2012
Cerebral revascularization for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms of the posterior circulation: microsurgical anatomy, techniques and outcomesJared M Pisapia, Brian P Walcott, Brian V Nahed, Kristopher T Kahle, Christopher S Ogilvy
25 January 2011
Microsurgical retrieval of an endovascular microcatheter trapped during Onyx embolization of a cerebral arteriovenous malformationBrian P Walcott, Jason L Gerrard, Raul G Nogueira, Brian V Nahed, Anna R Terry, Christopher S Ogilvy
5 October 2010
Cerebral revascularization for ischemic disease in the 21st centuryNicholas C Bambakidis, Shakeel A Chowdhry
26 August 2010
Treatment of coil embolization failed recurrent giant basilar tip aneurysms with bypass and surgical occlusionDinesh Ramanathan, Jeremy Ciporen, Basavaraj Ghodke, Richard G Ellenbogen, Laligam N Sekhar
2 August 2010